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1year1mill - 4th
  1year1mill, Apr 03 2017

After first losing "weekly" report, we are more than happy to share our 4th "weekly" report's results with you. Check out what we lost and what we won!!
Btw, sorry for the low quality of video we had some problems with the camera.

Enjoy watching it

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1year1mill - festival clip
  1year1mill, Mar 25 2017

One of our most important life quotes by Randy Pauch is "Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun!"
We sure did and we are thrilled to share some short clips with you guys

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1year1mill - 3rd weekly report
  1year1mill, Mar 21 2017

Our 3rd weekly report is finally outside and results might surprise you!!
Check it out what happen to us for the first time on this challenge!!

"If it don't make money, it don't make sense!"

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